Jan 06, 2020
Kaikyo Patrol
Digital content to learn about the work of the Straits Patrol through games

Inside the renovated Kanmon Strait Museum, which reopened in September 2019, We were in charge of the user interface, user experience, and 3D design for “Strait Patrol,” digital content created as a standing exhibit.

“Strait Patrol” is a game in which you search for a specific ship in images of Kanmon Strait projected onto a hexagonal table.
Up to 6 can play at a time, and the game consists of players using a trackball to move a magnifying glass and search for the target ship among the various tankers and passenger boats that appear in large numbers in the strait. By experiencing the complex theme of maritime safety through a simple game, We attempted to spark participants’ interest in this topic.

Kanmon Strait Museum
Planning, Direction
Shinya Yoshida (MontBlanc Pictures)
Planning, Producer
Production Management
GUI Design
Application Development
Sound Design
Booth Design
Booth Graphic / Logo Design