MoAR is a virtual art space where
AR works are exhibited.
You can see various AR works linked with the building.

MoAR is a virtual art space where AR works are exhibited.
You can see various AR works linked with the building.


Creative Label nor

This work was created with the theme of simulation, which is part of the technique and rhetoric of Suibokuga (ink wash painting). dyebirth creates patterns by viscous dendrite formation (Viscous Fingering) and a natural phenomenon called the Marangoni Effect. We organically depict mountain river plants by simulating these changing patterns as tree branches and flowers, rocks and clouds, and a series of mountains.


Creative Label nor

Creative Label nor was founded in 2017 by members with diverse backgrounds, including scientists, musicians, architects, engineers, and designers. They all share awe and admiration for the universal laws (physis) that govern natural phenomena. The group aims to create a new form of expression and culture that allows people to experience the existence of true natural laws that neither science nor art can attain. They do this by transforming the natural philosophy from cutting-edge research into a hands-on experience for many, presenting it as installation works.


  • Planner/Conceptor
    Makoto Fukuchi
  • Hardware Engineer
    Satoshi Nakane
  • Software Engineer
    Shuhei Matsuyama
  • Sound Producer
    Yui Onodera
  • Architect/Experience Designer
    Kazuhiro Itagaki
  • Scientist
    Mafumi Hishida
  • Producer
    Shigeyoshi Hayashi

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